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“in spite of everything i shall rise again: i will take up my pencil, which i have forsaken in my great discouragement, and i will go on with my drawing”   Vincent Van Gogh

hi! firstly, my name is tiffany. i’m a 20 years old college student from indonesia, and i’ve loved reading since i first read percy jackson and the lightning thief in (almost) one sitting. other hobbies include eating cakes and chocolates, photographing books, and sleeping.

string of pages is a blog i create to fill with book-related things, as well as lifestyle posts and 2 am thoughts. this isn’t my first time blogging, but as the year goes i realize i need a fresh start, so here it is.

in case you want to learn more about me, you can check out my twitter, bookstagram, or goodreads. hope we can be great friends!